14th April, 1972Vol. 1. No. 45.


We have been visited recently by two important bodies - the General Nursing Council, and the Hospital Advisory Service.

Plainly, they have the expertise to evaluate what they have seen. We look forward to the results of their recommendations.

We are sorry to hear that two of our co-workers on The Standard are temporarily out of action. We trust that in neither case are things too serious, and hope to see them back in action soon.


What a Reception!

On Sunday afternoon the Social Therapy Variety Show 'hit the road' and went along to Newchurch Hospital to give a performance for the patients who are mostly children (Mr. Boston, the new Secretary arranged the visit and came in especially to welcome us).

We arrived at 1.30 p.m. to find the stage ready with lights and the room ready blacked out. A piano, organ, record player and sound equipment were available for our use and two changing rooms off stage. Although the performance wasn't due to start until 2.30 p.m. by 2.00 p.m. the hall was packed to capacity, standing room only, and by 2.15 p.m. even that was taken. The staff were well represented with many of them having come in voluntarily to ensure that as many patients as possible could see the show. Needless to say they weren't disappointed, the only hitch being a faulty record player which was soon replaced from one of the wards. Whilst the change-over was being made Mrs. Devine filled in with an impromptu sing-song involving all the children. Involvement, on Sunday, being the operative word. The audience were tremendously enthusiastic, clapping, cheering and joining in the singing.

We again thank Mr. & Mrs. Martindale, who always go to any trouble in order to bring along the Morris Dancers; Mr. & Mrs. Thomasson of the League of Friends, who so kindly came along to help out in any way they could and finished up doing a lot of transporting for us; our volunteer workers, Geoff and John, who came to help backstage; Susan and Alan who also assist backstage and none the least, the cast, who incidentally get as much pleasure out of performing as do the audience watching. The afternoon was rounded off by us all sitting down to a super tea provided by Newchurch Hospital. As I said involvement was the operative word and a fair estimate would be approximately 300 people directly involved.

Our next performance is on April 18th Rainhill Hospital and if we get half the reception, we'll be happy.


On Thursday afternoon we had an all-ladies trip out to Lancaster Moor Hospital for a netball match which we won by 27 goals to 17.

(Social Therapy)


On Friday, 7th April, 1972, the election of candidates to the Nursing & Midwifery and the Professional & Technical Sections of the Joint Consultative Staffs Committee took place in the Recreational Hall Annexe.

Regrettably, interest in the elections appeared to have declined this year, for only four spectators were present and the number of ballot papers received was approximately 30% down on last year.

The results of the poll were as follows:

Nursing & Midwifery Section (3 seats)

New Members

Charge NurseD. McKendrick73 votes
SisterC. Lythgoe56 votes
S.E.N.B. McAuley45 votes


Deputy Charge NurseT. Flaherty40 votes
Student NurseB. Nugent36 votes

Total forms returned - 102


Professional & Technical Section (2 seats)

New Members

Assistant Education OfficerR. Bruton16 votes
Senior Clinical PsychologistE. Bromley13 votes


Art TherapistB. Naylor10 votes

Total forms returned - 25

The newly elected members take their places on the staff side along with Mrs. M. Milner, Mrs. D. Porter, Mrs. M. Seddon, Mr. S. Jones and Mr. J. Shaw, who were retained unopposed.

The candidates wish to express their appreciation to Mr. J. Jolley, Miss J. Rayner, and Mrs. P. Ruddick, for consenting to conduct the counting of votes, and also the Secretarial Department, Domestic Superintendent, and others involved in the organisation of the ballot.



As there has not been any response to the notice regarding Pass Keys and Locker Keys found in the Laundry, I am hoping the owner may read the Standard.

The keys are available from the Deputy Matron's Office, Monday to Friday, from 8.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

If they are not claimed within one week of the publication of this issue, they will be re-allocated.

I would remind all staff that Pass Keys are expensive and if not returned when terminating their services, the cost will be deducted from salary.

Deputy Matron.


It is with great disgust that I write this letter, for tonight, on completion of a seven hour shift, I found that I was unable to go home due to the fact that my car was completely surrounded by other vehicles, whose owners were attending the Civic Ball.

Can nothing be done to prevent this occurring again?

A letter has been received from Mrs. Nicolas, Education Officer, General Nursing Council, in which she expresses her appreciation of the help given by the group of Student Nurses, Ward Sisters and Charge Nurses in the recent experimental ward-based Final Practical Examination. She also states that the training school will shortly be informed of the Council's decision regarding a new type of Final Examination.

This obviously foreshadows the discontinuation of what many of us have for a long time considered to be an unsatisfactory method of assessing a candidates competence, and is a step in the direction of continuous ward assessment rather than a terminal assessment which must surely be the ultimate goal.



Through the medium of "The Standard", I wish to thank Dr. Walsh, Miss Coppack, and Mrs. Callaghan, and all colleagues on Unit 5 for all their help and kindness, during my illness.

I also wish to show appreciation to Nurse A. Briscoe and Nurse C. Jones for so ably deputising for me, and for loyalty shown by all staff on Female 3 Middle.

Also thanks to numerous staff throughout the hospital for gifts, visits, cards, and kind enquiries whilst I was away.


To Doctors Wallace and Jackson

I would like it to be known through your magazine, THE WINWICK STANDARD, how much my wife and I appreciate the help given to me at the DELPH HOSPITAL by yourselves. To all the nurses, Male and Female of the upper Delph, Thank you for the assistance I received from you. A big thank you to all the Charge Nurses, for the special help I received from you. A special "Thank You" to Mrs. Rigby, Welfare Officer, plus the kitchen staff, wardmaids, and to some of the patients themselves, who although they had their own troubles, were quite a cheerful lot, and willing to listen to your own troubles.

I would like to end on this note, and THANK ALL who are concerned with the workings of the DELPH HOSPITAL and made my stay there A HAPPY ONE. THANK YOU ALL ONCE AGAIN.



I found Mr. Breslin's article on the above subject (The Standard, 7/4/72) most interesting.

His statement that the 0. & M. Team "have been appointed as arbiters of nursing standards for Winwick Hospital" is, however, incorrect.

One aspect of the present 0. & M. Study of the Nursing Services is to evaluate, by various methods, the present level of patient care and present this to the hospital's nursing administration.

They will then be in a better position to judge whether or not the present level of care is in accordance with their desired standards and, if not, where and by what amount it falls short.

I must stress the fact that we are here at the invitation of the hospital's Management Management Committee who have asked us to try to improve the Nursing Services by giving what help and assistance we can.

Ours is an advisory role only: The decisions will be made by the appropriate hospital personnel.

(0. & M. Team Leader)


On Tuesday, March 28th, Mr. G. S. Robinson, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, held his final clinic before his retirement. To mark the occasion, Dr. W. P. Walsh, on behalf of the medical staff and the staff of the hospital, presented Mr. Robinson with a complete Barbecue Set and seven books of his choice. Dr. Walsh wished Mr. Robinson well on his retirement and this was echoed by all present.

Those who have known and worked with Mr. Robinson over the past 24 years will remember his kindness and the help which he gave to both patients and staff, and we will all miss his cheerful face.



Eighteen 16 year old girls and a teacher from Smithills High School, Bolton, will be visiting the hospital on Tuesday, 18th April, 1972.


Ten Student Nurses from Greaves Hall Hospital, Southport, will visit the hospital on Friday, 21st April, 1972.


CONGRATULATIONS to Staff Nurse Nancy H.P. Davies on her appointment to Deputy Ward Sister.


P/NM.J. White
S.E.N.A. Green

At the end of last month we made a presentation of £20 to Mr. G. Moon on the occasion of his retirement from the post of Senior Administrative Assistant after 34 years at Winwick Hospital.

Mr. Fox presented the gift to Mr. Moon in the presence of only a few of Mr. Moon's longstanding colleagues, but all of us long-standing or short stay wish him health, happiness and good ham-ing for very many years ahead.

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"Our best wishes - get well soon"

Mr. D. McKendrick

Mr. G. Woodward

Miss J. Rayner (Secretarial)


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